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Jun 25, 2012

Recorded live at the Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club in San Antonio, Texas on June 21st, 2012. Special Guests are Sanford Allen (Boxcar Satan), Lawrence Mercado (NotBotFX), Javier Bazaldua (Nightocker Presents).

  • Jess gives an enthusiastic thumbs up to Indie Game: The Movie and even gives some highlights of the upcoming flick, Magic Mike. Guess which of these movies has more helicopter dick than the other?
  • Larry poses the question, "What's the dirtiest song you've ever heard?" and we all discover that all popular music is about hot loads.
  • Regan asks, "Whatt would a politician have to do to get your vote?" Cheap gas and free weed!

Hit us up on the Twitter and Facebooks! Let's "Meet n' Fuck!" Here are some links to heighten your experience!

Indie Game: The Movie

Magic Mike Trailer

David Banner's song, Play [AKA "Let me see your pussy wet"]

Obama and his "Deam Act" Thingie

almost eleven years ago

I'm not easily impsrseed but you've done it with that posting.

almost eleven years ago

...actually, Naziism WAS as much a religous moenevmt as anything else. You had a Messiah figure, self-denying and wise; a secret gnosis; and a future world where the virtuous of the Chosen will be rewarded. Not all religons are good, or even sane. Dave P. [url=]nbgkcgx[/url] [link=]xvdpqopvk[/link]

almost eleven years ago

Didn't the Roman's kill Jesus?The few Jews on hand, in support of their leraeds in Jerusalem, expressed their opinion to the Roman rulers, but that doesn't mean the Roman's had to do what they did.This collective blame of an entire people I've never got. Never made sense to me as a kid in Sunday School. Perhaps I grew up in a progressive Episcopal Church. HA!The world is still suffering from what the Romans did 2000 years ago! Those damn Italians. GRIN!Poor Mel, perhaps he drinks 'cause he now realizes he got the movie wrong. HA!If he only listened to Christ-opher Rock! [url=]dukasspksk[/url] [link=]amyrxuoxhgh[/link]

almost eleven years ago

I will always do my part to fight socsaliim, national or otherwise, to the death. Freedom is a thing that is simply not to be taken away without a fight.I was just telling someone in en email this morning that, aside from US Troops defending our freedoms overseas, my heroes have always been Jewish resistance leaders.In spite of their small numbers, and being severely malnourished and diseased, they managed to stage some of the most heroic fights against the Nazis, one of which actually forced the closure of the concentration camp Sobibor, and others which simply resulted in the deaths of many Nazis.Like terrorists, the only good Nazis are dead Nazis (except for Schindler, and Joseph Ratzinger, who I happen to like very much, the latter of whom I don't even consider a Nazi, unlike that asswipe Bill Maher, who I find very Nazi-like).Never forget!

almost eleven years ago

Dana,In the beginning of your brcadoast, you talk of what it seemed to me as a White Utopia where a University exists that is actually anti-semetic. You spoke of Professors being anti-Semetic. You spoke of Jews being anti-Zionist. I'm over an Hour into the show and I'm wondering if this place is on a different planet? Are you rocketing to Mars or something? All kidding aside ..where is this White Utopia? I've been to over 7 colleges and Universities over the course of my life. I was even employed by a few. I have never experienced; or heard of such a place. I wish you would reveal this University. If what you are saying is true, I'd like to encourage my friends to send their children there.Second point ..If such a place exists why is not the administration speaking out against the policies and actions of the Jew??? It wasn't long ago that the Univesity of Irving busted a group of students for protesting a Jewish speaker. I believe they were given F's for that class.I got the impression Dana, that a University actually exists that is fighting back against Jewish subversion.More details would be appreciated.

almost eleven years ago

Драги приятелю, възхищавам се от твоя естествен обектив , който не знам дали осъзнаваш е окото, с което Той съзерцава света, т.е. Самия себе си. Преди време ти изпратих един материал за фотографията като теофания. Погледни този сегмент и ще видиш себе си. Ако имаш време да погледнеш внимателно текста на Ерик Жюфроа, ще забележиш удивителни неща, които съм сигурен ще оцениш с твоя оригинален поглед за фотографията.Selon la doctrine akinbreane du tajallee, les the9ophanies ne se re9pe8tent jamais. C’est pourquoi les dessins ou les photographies ne sont jamais identiques car ils fixent l'empreinte d'un waqt, d'un ab instant bb unique, non re9ite9rable. Bresson indique que c’est l’instant qui dicte ce qui est, le photographe ne fait que te9moigner de cet instant. Pourquoi Abd el-Kader s'est-il montre9 si ouvert e0 la photographie ? Sans doute parce qu'elle est plus pre8s de la Haqeeqa, de la Re9alite9 me9taphysique, que le dessin. On y trouve moins d'interfe9rences, en effet, entre l'objet (la personne peinte ou photographie9e) et la repre9sentation qui en est faite. L’oeil photographique n’a d’ailleurs pas e9te9 nomme9 indfbment ab objectif bb! En outre, l’acte de peindre ou de dessiner peut induire une rivalite9 entre l’artiste et le Cre9ateur, alors que le photographe ne ferait que te9moigner. En de9finitive, pour l’eatre e9veille9, peu importent les supports de la manifestation divine : doivent eatre privile9gie9s ceux qui adhe8rent le plus e0 la Re9alite9 / Haqeeqa, telle que voulue par le Re9el / al-Haqq. C'est en cela que la modernite9 peut eatre radicalement me9taphysique.Pourtant, Abd el-Kader nous met implicitement en garde, comme en ‘‘ne9gatif’’, contre la fascination exerce9e actuellement par les images superficielles, soumises e0 des fins mondaines, et dont la capacite9 hypnotisante est de9sormais de9multiplie9e e0 l'infini. S’il vivait e0 notre e9poque, il les percevrait sans doute comme des figures postmodernes de ab l'idole2trie subtile bb (al-shirk al-khafee), selon les termes du Prophe8te, laquelle affecte le monde contemporain de fae7on caricaturale. Tel est le pie8ge des supports visuels modernes : si l'on s'arreate e0 leur exte9riorite9, ils ne font que refle9ter, et meame conforter, l’ego non poli. Il faut donc bien, dans un de9passement toujours soutenu, regarder au-dele0 de l'image, contempler e0 travers le miroir. De nos jours, le syste8me nume9rique rend extreamement te9nue la frontie8re entre la re9alite9 et le virtuel. Ne re9ve8le-t-il pas – indfbment ? de la sorte les re8gles de l’intermonde (barzakh), qui re9gissent les rapports entre le monde sensible (mulk) et le monde spirituel (malakfbt) ?